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Jobs in Innlandet, norge
Mechanical or Electronics Technician for Norway´s largest Data Center
CBRE GWS IFM Industrie GmbHHamar, Innlandet, Norwegen- Promoted
Eli Synnøve ser etter en barnevak i Hamar
SitlyHamar, NOForsker
TYRHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGERådgiver offentlige anskaffelser / e-handel
Administrasjon, Hamar kommune NYHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGESykepleier 75% fast + 75% vikariat
Kirurgisk avdeling H4, Hamar, Sykehuset Innlandet HFHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEBehandler (spesialvernepleier / spesialsykepleier / sosionom / barnevernspedagog / spesialpedagog / psykolog)
BUP Innlandet Poliklinikk Hamar (BUP Hamar), Sykehuset Innlandet HFHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGETraineeVANN kull 10 2024-2026
Norsk VannHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEAssisterende avdelingssykepleier
Kirurgisk avdeling H1, Hamar , Sykehuset Innlandet HFHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGELillehammer videregående skole, avd. Nord - Undervisningsstilling vg1 frisør, blomster, interiør og eksponeringsdesign
Innlandet fylkeskommunehamar, NOKompetanse og tannhelse - Rådgiver
Innlandet fylkeskommune Kompetanse og tannhelseHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEVi utvider og søker derfor etter flere servicemedarbeidere i innlandet
TomaGruppenHamar, NOHverdagsmestring sone 1 24% fast helgestilling
Hamar kommunehamar, NOVi søker etter massør, hudpleier, resepsjonist
Vitality avd HamarHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEOverlege / spesialist i barne- og ungdomspsykiatri
Barne- og ungdomspsykiatri Innlandet, poliklinikk Hamar, Sykehuset Innlandet HFHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEKundekonsulent
ToyRek ASHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEHar du erfaring med å kjøre hjullaster og jobb i produksjon?
Veksthuset Personal ASHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGE- Promoted
Bli med i vårt kundeserviceteam på Kreta - Paypal Customer Solutions Teammate
TeleperformanceHamar, NOElsker du å jobbe med mennesker, salg og service? Match CC Hamar søker vikarierende Butikkleder!
Match CC HamarHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEIntensivsykepleier / sykepleier 100 % fast
Helse Sør-øst RHFhamar, NO2. gangs utlysning - Rådgiver / konsulent dokumentsenter
Dokumentsenter, Hamar kommuneHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEMechanical or Electronics Technician for Norway´s largest Data Center
CBRE GWS IFM Industrie GmbHHamar, Innlandet, Norwegen- Quick Apply
Mechanical or Electronics Technician for Norway´s largest Data Center at CBRE GWS IFM Industrie GmbH | softgarden
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Mechanical or Electronics Technician for Norway´s largest Data Center
Full Time
With Professional Experience
3 / 3 / 25
CBRE Data Centre Solutions (DCS) is a part of the CBRE Group with over 130.000 employees worldwide and delivers fully integrated real estate, facilities and technology solutions for data centre owners, occupiers and investors across the globe. As a dedicated business line within CBRE, DCS is dedicated to solving complex challenges within every stage of the data centre lifecycle.
Green Mountain has exclusively partnered with CBRE to staff our new data center site in Hamar. We need numerous positions within Operations to support what will become Norway’s largest data center. As a CBRE employee at Green Mountain you will be an integrated and important part of the Green Mountain team. The data center will be your permanent workplace where you also will enroll in our joint training and development program. You will be working alongside colleagues from both companies and share a common vision, values, work culture and objectives.
Join us now in HAMAR (Norway) and bring your unique talent and skills to our Team.
Job Purpose
The main purpose of this role is to support the daily MRO (maintenance, repair, overhaul) works on site focussing on mechanical & electrical operations.
Further Responsibilities
- Perform preventive maintenance and repair of critical technical assets
- Compliance with internal and external training programs
- Installation, maintenance, and repair of electrical systems
- Modifying the electrical wiring system
- Tracking of critical process services using a CMMS system
- Processing and closing of customer's service orders according to the service level agreements
- Ensuring the correct and effective functioning of the systems
- Support and accompaniment of subcontractors in the execution of activities, taking into account customer agreements and CBRE security and risk reduction measures
- Daily tours and inspections
- Identification of potential risks for the intended process or occupational safety
- Management support in all areas
Do you need more good reasons? Please take a look on our recent won awards :
Have we aroused your interest? If yes, please submit your application documents (CV, selected certificates, no cover letter necessary) incl. your availability and the ref. no. 209141 and salary expectations via our application system.
Contact person
Tim-Oliver Iffarth Talent Acquisition Partner Europe
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