- Søk jobber
- lillehammer, no
Jobber i Lillehammer, no
- Forfremmet
Norsk kundeservicejobber i Hellas - Search Engine Customer Consultant
TeleperformanceLillehammer, NOLageransvarlig JYSK Lillehammer
JYSKLillehammer, Innlandet, NOSykepleierstudenter og helsefagarbeidere søkes til helgestillinger
LHM MEDISIN 11b Sykehuset Innlandet HFLILLEHAMMER, INNLANDET, NORGESkolemiljøarbeider
Innlandet fylkeskommunelillehammer, NOBioingeniører i turnus
Helse Sør-øst RHFlillehammer, NOEldre dame søker stødige assistenter
Lillehammer- dame søker stødige assistenterLILLEHAMMER, INNLANDET, NORGETilkallingsvikarer i Lillehammer-skolen
Grunnskole, Lillehammer kommuneLILLEHAMMER, INNLANDET, NORGEBarnehagelærer i 100% vikariat
Hestehoven Barnehage SaLILLEHAMMER, INNLANDET, NORGE- Forfremmet
Ingrid ser etter en barnevak i Lillehammer
SitlyLillehammer, NOSommervikar fysioterapeut - Lillehammer Helsehus
Lillehammer kommunelillehammer, NOBrukerstyrt personlig assistent søkes til ung mann på Lillehammer
AssisterMeg ASLillehammer, Innlandet, NORevisor Oppland Revisjon & Rådgivning AS
AdeccoLillehammer, NOVernepleier / Miljøterapeut
Dugandes, Tilrettelagte tjenester. Lillehammer kommune.LILLEHAMMER, INNLANDET, NORGESenior Project Manager
Hansen TechnologiesLillehammer, NorwayHelsefagarbeider søkes til 27% fast stilling på natt
Lillehammer Medisin 11b Sykehuset Innlandet HFLILLEHAMMER, INNLANDET, NORGELedig vikariat i Trygghetspatrulje
Lillehammer kommune, hjemmetjenesten og legevaktLILLEHAMMER, INNLANDET, NORGECC Mat Lillehammer søker medarbeidere i ulike brøker!
MENYLillehammerLedig stilling i matematikk 1T og S1 - 50%
Norges Toppidrettsgymnas Lillehammer AsLILLEHAMMER, INNLANDET, NORGEKundekonsulent
ToyRek ASLILLEHAMMER, INNLANDET, NORGEMekaniker tunge kjøretøy
ScaniaLillehammer, NorgeNorsk kundeservicejobber i Hellas - Search Engine Customer Consultant
TeleperformanceLillehammer, NOIf you are passionate about the web and new technologies, this is your chance to live and work in Athens, Greece and become a digital expert!
We are looking for talents with Norwegian & English skills who will join us in our state-of-the-art working environment in Greece, after relocating to Athens.
Take advantage of your Norwegian skills and become a digital expert on a wide palette of Google tools !
What you will do
- Become a digital expert after our intense product training
- Consult entrepreneurs and businesses to enhance their reputation and provide insights into how customers search for them
- Provide assistance to businesses, improving their online presence across the world’s most famous search engine
- Investigate issues deeper before defining solutions, or escalate highly complex issues
- Maybe required to promote related products to existing customers
What you will bring
What we offer
Moreover, this is a great opportunity to advance your career and work for a multinational company, by developing strong experience and skills, while representing one of the biggest brands worldwide. In addition, you will be a member of a company that fosters diversity, offering equal opportunities to all, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, culture or age.
Thinking about relocating and wondering about cost of living in Greece? Get an idea here :
Greece has enviable history and culture, climate and cuisine – and yet, the cost of living is among the lowest in Europe, according to Greek authorities and the EURES network . No wonder Greece is a popular destination for tourists and expats alike.
Find out more
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