Breakfast waiter / chef for the winter season 23 / 24
ArbeidsgiverSkogstad HotellSted3560 Hemsedal, Hemsedal
Workplace : Skogstad Hotell Titel : Breakfast waiter / chef
Place : Hemsedal
This is a seasonal contract of 100%.
We look for people who like to work with and among people, and who thrive in the service industry. You need to like working in the service business, have a good understanding of how a good guest experience should be and be motivated by providing good customer service.
Your job as a breakfast waiter / chef :
Experience and qualifications that we want you to have and can share with us :
Personal qualities we look for in you :
We offer :
About the employer
Skogstad hotel opened its doors in 1905 and has been run for 5 generations. The hotel has 83 rooms in different categories and is located in the heart of Hemsedal town center. We have 10 full-time employees, and in high season we have around 30 employees
We look forward to hearing from you!
Please send an application letter, CV and other relevant documents to Adriana Sanchez, e-mail :
We take applicants into interviews on an ongoing basis.
Om arbeidsgiveren
ArbeidsgiverSkogstad HotellAdresseSkogstad Hotell, 3561 HemsedalHjemmeside
Skogstad hotel åpnet sine dører i 1905 og har blitt drevet i 5 genreasjoner. Hotellet har 83 rom i forskjellige kategorier og ligger i hjertet av Hemsedal sentrum. Vi har 10 helårsansatte, og i høysesong har vi rundt 30 ansatte.
Om stillingen
Stillingstittel : ServitørAntall stillinger : 1OppstartEtter avtaleAnsettelsesformSesongHeltid / deltidHeltidSektorPrivatArbeidsdagerUkedager, Lørdag, SøndagArbeidstidDagtidArbeidstidsordningVakt