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- hamar, innlandet, norge
Jobs in Hamar, innlandet, norge
TYRHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEMechanical or Electronics Technician for Norway´s largest Data Center
CBRE GWS IFM Industrie GmbHHamar, Innlandet, NorwegenLege i spesialisering 2-3, 100% fast
Akuttmedisinsk avdeling, Elverum - Hamar, Sykehuset Innlandet HFHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGERådgiver offentlige anskaffelser / e-handel
Administrasjon, Hamar kommune NYHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEFra grå til grønn ingeniørkunst – Vil du sikre Norge mot flom- og skredskader?
Region Øst, Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE)HAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEBehandler (spesialvernepleier / spesialsykepleier / sosionom / barnevernspedagog / spesialpedagog / psykolog)
BUP Innlandet Poliklinikk Hamar (BUP Hamar), Sykehuset Innlandet HFHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEAnestesisykepleier, vikariat
Anestesiavdelingen, Hamar, Sykehuset Innlandet HFHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGESykepleier 75% fast + 75% vikariat
Kirurgisk avdeling H4, Hamar, Sykehuset Innlandet HFHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEValdres vidaregåande skule - Undervisningsstilling i engelsk og samfunnskunnskap
Innlandet fylkeskommunehamar, NOAssisterende avdelingssykepleier
Kirurgisk avdeling H1, Hamar , Sykehuset Innlandet HFHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEVi utvider og søker derfor etter flere servicemedarbeidere i innlandet
TomaGruppenHamar, NOKundemottaker og ordrebehandler
Mantena AShamar, NOVi søker etter massør, hudpleier, resepsjonist
Vitality avd HamarHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEHar du erfaring med å kjøre hjullaster og jobb i produksjon?
Veksthuset Personal ASHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEEr du vår nye pedagogisk-psykologiske rådgiver ved regionskontoret på Tynset?
Innlandet fylkeskommune Kompetanse og tannhelseHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEAsset Manager, Datacenter Infrastructure and Services
TikTokHamarElsker du å jobbe med mennesker, salg og service? Match CC Hamar søker vikarierende Butikkleder!
Match CC HamarHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEOverlege / spesialist i barne- og ungdomspsykiatri
Barne- og ungdomspsykiatri Innlandet, poliklinikk Hamar, Sykehuset Innlandet HFHAMAR, INNLANDET, NORGEVi søker helsefagarbeider - 75 % fast
Hamar kommunehamar, NOLege i spesialisering / postlege 100% vikariat
Helse Sør-øst RHFhamar, NOForsker
Quantitative Geneticist job opportunity at TYR, Norway
TYR is a national breeding- and interest organization for Norwegian beef producers owned by the beef farmers. The organization has about two thousand members and ten employees. TYR is responsible for the national breeding program on beef cattle, as well as promoting beef cattle and beef production in political agriculture negotiations.
We are currently in the implementation phase of single step genomic selection for routine evaluation in TYR and are looking for an experienced researcher that can contribute to the further development of the method and breeding programs in general.
Main working areas :
- Routine genetic / genomic evaluation
- Evaluation and further development of genomic prediction models (ssGBLUP)
- Processing and statistical analysis with genomic data
- Communication of R&D results, nationally and internationally
- Variance component estimation and model development for new traits
- Assist in data preparation for international evaluation (InterBeef)
- Participation in research projects and supervising students
- Writing applications for new research and innovation projects
- Write and publish scientific papers based on our research
Key qualifications :
PhD level genetics / statistics / mathematics.
If you enjoy challenges and working within genetics and statistics, TYR offer opportunities for personal and scientific development in a growing organization. As a part of our team, you will be seated together with researchers in the breeding organizations Geno, Norsvin and TYR, at Center for Breeding and Biotechnology in Hamar. Some travelling nationally and internationally will be expected.
Informal enquires can be made to Siri Furre ().
Send a short application letter and CV to Breeding and R&D manager Siri Furre, [email protected] before 01.11.2023
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Om arbeidsgiveren
TYR is a national breeding- and interest organization for Norwegian beef producers owned by the beef farmers. The organization has about two thousand members and ten employees. TYR is responsible for the national breeding program on beef cattle, as well as promoting beef cattle and beef production in political agriculture negotiations.
We are currently in the implementation phase of single step genomic selection for routine evaluation in TYR and are looking for an experienced researcher that can contribute to the further development of the method and breeding programs in general.
Om stillingen
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